Friday Media Group - Feed Aggregation Admin


Here you can add, edit, remove and disable feeds the aggregation scheduler schedules for the feed collector to collect. You can also search by feed here as well, so if you have a feed URL from the dealer, check in here if the dealer already exists in this project. You can add, edit and remove site visibility rules, so if you need the dealers adverts to appear on BAOB and Boatshop24 then you can set this in here.


Here you can you can search for existing customers by name or email to pull up their details and information about the source of the dealers data. Feed or Kapow scrape. Most of the time you should have an email from the dealer and you can search in this section for all adverts under this email, or all jobs that contain this email.


Here you can search for and view adverts associcated with an advertiser or feed.


Here you can add, edit and remove values and variations of Boat Types, Countries, Currencies, Known Entities, US Regions and Destinations. You can also add, edit and remove Boat Mappings. These mappings work across all feeds so only map sensible values from a dealers feed. The admin system for User roles and access to the System Monitor can also be found here.

System Monitor

Here you can view the current state of the "Queues". So you can see if there is a backlog of feeds to process or images and this could be why updates are not happening or are slow. This page will also give you a list of the last error messages that have been logged.


Some common questions and problems are described here with possible resolutions. Please report any other problems, issues or bugs to [email protected]